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赌钱app可以微信提现室内设计专业, you learn how to professionally cr吃e functional 和 aesthetic beauty in residential 和 commercial interiors.

Not only does interior design focus on cr吃ing beautiful spaces, 但它也促进了客户的健康, 我们生活的地方安全、幸福, 工作, 吃, 睡觉和玩耍. If you are looking for an 室内设计 program in the Kansas City area, 赌钱app可以微信提现有很多可以提供给你!


赌钱app可以微信提现’s 室内设计 program is the only one in Kansas affiliated with the 国家的厨房 & 浴室协会. 我们的 program is unique because it has several paths you can take, depending on your career goals.


厨房(目录) & 浴缸设计证书



我们的 室内设计 program covers design topics such as textiles, 花的设计, 空间规划, 住宅及商业设计, 手工和数字制图, 可持续发展实践. Whether you are launching a second career or just starting out, 您将获得以下方面的全面教育:

  • 设计元素和原则
  • 色彩设计与理论
  • 设计家具、材料、饰面和设备
  • 施工方法、规范和规范
  • 照明、声学和室内空气质量
  • 室内设计软件应用
  • 设计展示和沟通技巧

By the time you complete your 室内设计 degree or certificate at 赌钱app可以微信提现, you will have cr吃ed a portfolio of studio projects that will increase your employment options.


与赌钱app可以微信提现 室内设计专业硕士学位, you will intern 160 hours 和 graduate ready to 工作 in design. 我们的 industry connections can help you identify an internship 和 get started on the career you desire. 的 degree also provides an educational foundation for the following 考试s:

厨卫设计证书 can launch your career in the in-dem和 kitchen 和 bath design industry through courses focused on this specialty. 这也让你有资格参加 认证的厨房 & 卫浴设计师(CKBD) 考试. 

在完成赌钱app可以微信提现的 室内设计助理证书, 你可以进入室内设计的世界, pursue an associate degree at 赌钱app可以微信提现 or transfer credits to a four-year university. We offer transfer agreements with well-known regional 和 national four-year institutions for a seamless transfer.

我们的 内部分期证书 准备您的舞台住宅和商业室内设计.

For educational 和 additional 需求 for registration or certification as an interior designer, 看到赌钱app可以微信提现 专业执照披露.


赌钱app可以微信提现’s experienced, award-winning professors maintain strong ties to the industry. Professional designers often are guest speakers in our classes, 和 interior design showrooms welcome our students for off-site learning experiences. 每年春天,选出的学生可以重新设计一个房间 交响乐设计师陈列室这是堪萨斯城交响乐团的筹款活动.

To delve deeper into interior design 和 net工作 with seasoned professionals, you have the opportunity to join several national industry student organizations:

Looking to transfer to a four-year university after completing your AAS? We offer transfer agreements with several well-regarded regional 和 national four-year institutions 和 are adding more all the time. 与室内设计系主任交谈以了解更多信息.

We recommend that you meet with an 室内设计 advisor before you plan your education path. Classes need to be taken in a specific order to ensure timely completion. 赌钱app可以微信提现的学生也可以使用我们的 职业发展中心 和 学术资源中心.

曼迪F.她是Mission Kitchen 和 Bath的厨房和浴室设计师
My education from 赌钱app可以微信提现 set me up for success in the interior design industry; after graduation I left feeling confident in myself 和 my abilities.
加入其他成功的赌钱app可以微信提现学生 马上申请

赌钱app可以微信提现,室内设计是关于选择的. You can complete a certificate 和 join the 工作force within a year or you can graduate with an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree to open even more doors. 拥有三个证书和AAS学位, 赌钱app可以微信提现 can help you launch a career tailor-made to your aspirations. 

沿着您在赌钱app可以微信提现的室内设计之旅, 发现设计过程, professional design documents 和 best business practices can prepare for your future as a:

  • 住宅或商业室内设计师
  • 厨卫设计师
  • 室内设计项目经理
  • 室内设计助理
  • 主舞台,色彩顾问和/或装修协调员
  • Sales designer or consultant for interior design showrooms or product lines
  • 住宅和商业建筑的空间规划师
  • 室内CAD设计师

Let professors at 哪个app可以赌足球 guide you into this multibillion-dollar industry. With an emphasis on projects that incorporate both the cr吃ive 和 technical, you'll complete the program with an impressive portfolio to showcase your 工作 to potential employers.

U.S. Department of Labor compiles statistics on 室内设计 careers 涉及室内设计. You'll find information specifically related to careers in Kansas, 包括工资信息和工作前景

下载 室内设计课程展望(PDF) 就业预测和薪资信息.


赌钱app可以微信提现 is dedicated to ensuring money does not stop a student from pursuing an education. 出于这个原因, we have various initiatives to make the cost of receiving an education more affordable.

室内设计专业的学生可以获得奖学金. 一定要寻找助学金和贷款. 我们的 财政援助办事处 能帮你申请助学金吗.



的re are several things to consider when budgeting for college. 访问我们的 出勤费用页面 详细信息.

赌钱app可以微信提现 offers financial aid, including 奖学金 specifically for 室内设计 students:

  • Janet alholm室内设计纪念奖学金
  • 比尔和琼贝利室内设计奖学金
  • IDSA设计优秀奖
  • Harris Polsky室内设计奖学金
  • 杰克·哈里斯室内设计奖学金
  • 堪萨斯城地区房地产经纪人协会奖学金

了解更多关于个人奖学金的标准, 包括截止日期, 需求, GPA和入学情况, 点击 搜索奖学金 蓝色条 奖学金 信息页面.

In order to run the graphic-heavy software programs used in interior design (possible software: Revit, AutoCad, 首席架构师, 20/20, 草图和Adobe套件), 以下是对电脑的最低建议:

  1. 更快的处理器(例如:建议i5或更高)
  2. Higher 工作ing memory (考试ple: recommend 16 GB RAM or higher)
  3. 强大的显卡(因品牌而异)
的 software required for the 室内设计专业 currently requires the Microsoft Windows platform.  苹果电脑如果双启动进入Windows系统也可以使用.  虽然有些软件可能在苹果产品上可用, the interface differences will not be addressed by instructors.

的 室内设计专业硕士学位 at 哪个app可以赌足球 is an affiliated program of the 国家的厨房 & 浴协会.

This program requires an internship, practicum, clinical component or state/board licensing. 的 institutions that host internships/practicums/clinicals may require applicants to provide a Social Security number or show proof of having a Social Security card. 更多信息请咨询项目主席.