学生的出勤率 Operating Procedure 314.01
Johnson County Community College

交叉引用: 学生的出勤率 Policy 314.01

目的: The following 程序 are established in accordance with the 学生的出勤率 Policy 314.01, and are provided to describe the College’s processes to support that Policy.

I. 过度的缺席 

缺勤超过赌钱app可以微信提现教职员制定的课程大纲出勤标准的,被认为是过度缺勤. Excessive absences may result in: reduction of grade, 旷课退学, 旷课过多警告或教师根据以下程序要求学生退学.

A. Administrative 旷课退学

在课程的第一个日历周结束时(或少于七周的课程按比例计算,如下所示), 没有参加至少一节课程的学生将被行政上从该课程中除名,并按董事会制定的适用费率全额报销或免除学杂费.

  • 7周或更长时间的课程 must attend at least once in first calendar week that the class meets
  • 4-6周课程 必须在课程开始的前三个日历天至少参加一次,如果课程没有安排在一周的前三个日历天举行,则必须在上课的第一天参加一次
  • 3周或更短的课程  must attend the first day of class

Students enrolled in distance learning (i.e. online) courses will be administratively dropped, with full reimbursement or forgiveness of tuition and fees, 如果他们在课程开始的第一个日历周(或如上所示少于七周的课程按比例)未达到教师在课程大纲中规定的初始出勤/参与要求.

B. Student-Initiated Withdrawal for Excessive Course Absence

It is the responsibility of the student to regularly attend and participate in all scheduled classes. In the case where the student has exceeded the absences stated in the attendance guidelines of the course syllabus, the student may self-withdraw from that course. 如果学生未能在学院网站上公布的与退学分课程说明一起发布的退课截止日期(“退课截止日期”)前自行退课, the student’s grade will be determined in accordance with the grading terms stated in the course syllabus.

C. 教师-Initiated Withdrawal for Excessive Course Absence 

Following the Administrative 旷课退学 period of each semester (see Section I.一个以上), 如果学生缺勤时间超过课程大纲中规定的出勤时间,教师可以选择让其退学. There is no reimbursement or forgiveness of tuition and fees for a 教师-Initiated Withdrawal. Students should not assume that a faculty member will initiate this optional process, 退课是学生的最终责任,并接受因退课而产生的所有经济和学术后果.

A faculty member may choose to initiate the Withdrawal for Excessive Course Absence action if, as specified in the course syllabus, 由于学生在网络课程中缺席过多或缺乏接触,无法达到最低课程目标. 教师应在课程大纲中确定被认为是过度缺席或缺乏联系的内容. 在教师通过过度缺勤警报程序通知学生过度缺勤可能使学生处于学术危险之后,可以采取教师发起的退学. 退课将根据公布的退课截止日期和评分制度政策记录在学生的记录中. The student may also be withdrawn from other scheduled courses if the withdrawn course is a required course. 每学期由教师发起的退课截止日期与学生发起的退课截止日期相同.


D. 旷课警报

过度缺课警告是为了提前通知学生,教师打算让学生因过度缺课而退学. 选择进行教师发起的退学程序的教师将及时向学生提供旷课警报,以便在继续进行教师发起的退学之前有合理的机会解决出勤问题.
旷课警告应包括教师发给学生的书面通知,告知学生旷课过多已使其学业处于危险之中. 该通知应进一步说明,如果学生不能与教师达成令人满意的定期上课安排,则该学生可能会根据课程大纲指南被退学. 此类书面通知应通过电子邮件发送到学生的学院提供的电子邮件帐户,并应构成对学生的充分通知. Students are responsible for monitoring their College-provided email accounts.

II. 授权的缺席

Students who are absent as a result of jury duty, 传票, a religious observance requiring accommodation, 军事义务, 或被要求代表学院参加的活动,必须至少提前一周书面通知该教员即将缺席. 在规定的缺课日内,学生应有机会独立完成课程作业或同等价值的作业, and/or to take a scheduled exam at an alternate time determined by the faculty member. 如果不提前一周提供书面通知,可能会导致失去机会.

被要求服兵役的学生将被允许在服役结束后重新入学继续他们的学习计划.  选择性录取项目的学生将根据每个项目的具体重新入学要求重新入学,这些要求可在项目办公室获得.  In addition to the above requirement to notify faculty for each course during which such absence will occur, 学生还必须向任何项目主席提供要求现役军人的书面通知和文件.  When re-applying to the program, students should inform the program chair that they are a student returning from active military service.

所有其他缺勤, authorization of the absence is within the discretion of the individual faculty member.

3. Consequences of 过度的缺席

Administrative 旷课退学, Student-Initiated Withdrawal, or 教师-Initiated Withdrawal from a course may negatively impact a student in areas including, 但不限于, current or future financial aid, 田径比赛资格, international student visa status and enrollment in other courses. 接受政府补助的学生必须遵守政府补助机构规定的政策或程序.

IV. 解释

The Vice 总统 of Student Success & Engagement will be responsible for interpreting the 学生的出勤率 Policy and these 程序.

Signature on File in Policy Office

Date of Adoption: 05/24/2011
Revised: 02/18/2016, 08/01/2017, 10/16/2018, 02/21/2019
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