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Open Records Operating Procedure 218.01
Johnson County Community College
Series: 200 Administrative Services
Section: Records

Cross-Reference: Open Records Policy 218.00

Applicability: 本操作程序适用于所有哪个app可以赌足球(“赌钱app可以微信提现”或“学院”)的公共记录.

Purpose: 本操作程序规定了根据《赌钱app可以微信提现》(“KORA”)请求访问和获取公共记录副本的流程。.


I. Rights under the Kansas Open Records Act

任何人均有权查阅及索取由本会建立或保存之公共纪录副本, including the right to:

  • 获取学院查阅记录的程序副本.
  • 查阅和索取未获特定法律豁免披露的公共记录的副本.
  • 在三(3)个工作日内收到对请求的书面答复. 回复可能会声明需要额外的时间来产生记录.
  • 如果查阅公共记录的要求被错误地拒绝,向堪萨斯州总检察长提出申诉.
II. Exceptions

KORA承认某些记录包含私人或特权信息, the disclosure of which is inconsistent with public policy, and lists several exceptions, including but not limited to:

  • Personnel records of public employees
  • Medical treatment records
  • Records protected by attorney-client privilege
  • Records closed by the rules of evidence
  • 为人口普查而编制的载有个人资料的纪录
  • Notes and preliminary drafts
  • Criminal investigation records
  • Records of emergency or security information
  • Proprietary business information

A complete list of exemptions can be found in K.S.A. 45-221.

此外,学院只需要提供已经存在的公共记录. There is no requirement for the College to answer questions, prepare reports or create a record upon request.

Nothing in KORA supersedes federal law, 包括家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)和/或健康保险流通和责任法案(HIPAA).

If a record is only partially exempted from disclosure, 学院将删除或编辑豁免的材料,并提供需要披露的材料.

III. Requesting a Record

The College's Executive Director, Mission Continuity and Risk Management, 担任学院的信息自由官,并代表学院接受公开记录请求.


  • Name of person making the request
  • Mailing address and email
  • Daytime telephone number
  • Fax number, if applicable
  • 对请求记录的具体描述(请求应包括尽可能多的细节和专一性,以加快流程)

The College’s Freedom of Information Officer, 或由学院的信息自由官员指定的记录保管人, 可否询问详细的问题,以便准确地完成要求,可否要求提供身份证明. If the request is unclear, 提出要求的个人可能会被要求填写公开记录要求表格. Additionally, if the request concerns certain personal information, 提出请求的个人可能会被要求签署一份宣誓书,确认所披露的信息不会被用于《哪个app可以赌足球》或其他适用法律所禁止的任何目的.

Requests for records must be mailed or emailed to:

Freedom of Information Officer
Johnson County Community College
12345 College Blvd., #51
Overland Park, Kansas 66210

大多数记录将在收到请求后的三(3)个工作日内生成. 如果要求被延迟或拒绝,将提供书面解释.

正常办公时间为工作日,周一至周五上午8点.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5 p.m. 在这些时间内,可以安排检查和复制记录的预约. 学院在法定假期和寒假放假 赌钱app可以微信提现 academic calendar). 在检查和复制期间,学院记录必须由学院员工持有和控制. Alternatively, in the discretion of the College, 记录保管人可以安排发送所要求记录的副本,以代替亲自检查.


IV. Charges and Fees

The College may charge reasonable fees, not exceeding the actual cost, for access to records, 记录副本和员工处理公开记录请求的时间. Charges will be collected in advance based on a fee estimate. 如果时间和资源的实际成本超过了费用估计, 申请方将支付所发生费用的余额. If the actual cost is less than the fee estimate, the requester will be refunded any difference over $5.00.

收取的费用将等于提供副本的实际成本, 包括员工复印或监督复印所需的时间成本. 提供查阅计算机记录的费用将包括计算机服务费用, including the employee time required.


  • Photocopies: $.20 per page
  • Scanned data: $.25 per page
  • Mailing: $1.50
  • Actual postage costs
  • Fax: $.80 per page
  • CD: $1.25 each
  • Access/inspection costs (employee): $35.00/hour
  • Computer access: $50.00/hour

As appropriate, fees may also include third party consulting or legal charges, 包括与所要求文件的任何必要修订有关的费用.

V. Delayed or Denied Requests

学院将尽一切努力在收到公共记录请求后立即处理. 但是,请求可能被延迟或拒绝的原因有很多,包括:

Requests may be delayed if:

  • More information is needed in order to retrieve the records
  • 在披露这些记录之前,必须解决法律问题
  • The requested records are archived or stored off-site
  • 所要求的记录量很大,需要时间来制作

Requests may be denied in whole or in part if:

  • The requested records do not exist
  • The request was unclear or vague and needs to be resubmitted
  • The requested records are not Public Records
  • 所要求的记录可根据下列的例外情况豁免披露 K.S.A. 45-221 or other applicable law
  • 这一要求给学院在制作公共记录方面增加了不合理的负担
  • 记录保管人有理由相信,重复请求的目的是破坏公共机构的其他基本职能


学院不需要提供广播或录音磁带或磁盘的副本, videos or films, photographs, slides, graphics, 插图或类似的音频或视频项目或设备,除非这些项目或设备在赌钱app可以微信提现董事会的公开会议上展示或播放.

Signature on File in Policy Office

Date of Adoption: 01/19/2012
Revised: 06/10/2013; 07/10/2015; 09/24/2019, 05/13/2021